COBE / Dissing+Weitling

Of the various urban transformations implemented in Copenhagen, the Climate Adaptation Plan is one of the most important from the past decade. This proposal for adapting to climate change, adopted in 2011, called for the creation of public spaces to host bicycle-pedestrian paths and at-grade water reservoirs to requalify the city, make it greener and mitigate risks of flooding in various areas. This scenario includes important infrastructural projects that promote mobility by bicycle and the use of public transport. Two such projects are Karen Blixen Plads and Køge Nord Station, both designed by COBE. Karen Blixen Plads is one of the largest public squares in Copenhagen. Situated on the South Campus of the University it hosts a parking space for 2,000 bicycles and a rain garden. The new railway station for the town of Køge, a few kilometres from Copenhagen, includes a pedestrian bridge and landscaped areas with parking for cars and bicycles.

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