Henning Larsen

This project is an integral part of a plan to convert 50 hectares of farmland into a multipurpose area; together with the new headquarters of the Hillerød Utility Company and a recycling centre, the plant is part of an itinerary of pedestrian and bicycle paths that includes a birdwatching tower and a “bat hotel”. The objective is to fuse the variety of autochthonous flora and fauna with technology, exposing visitors to the methods used to produce and recycle energy. The water treatment plant feeds the wetlands in the park with clean water, recycles phosphorous and produces energy from biomass, demonstrating how architecture can offer an aesthetic and functional contribution to the fight against the shortage of water. The design minimises the visual and olfactory impact of the plant. It is the result of an approach that is both sustainable, thanks to its ability to promote ethical and aesthetic principles, and didactic, for its ability to involve the population in processes that generally remain “invisible”.

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