Seine Design, Gérard Ronzatti

The concept of the project is based on a rigorously symmetrical composition. Two floating hulls, hosting modular rooms arranged on two levels, are connected by a central circulation spine. Suspended in a double height space, this path raised by a half level with respect to the surface of the water, constitutes a sort of “public axis”. Attached to this axis, at a lower level, are the spaces of the bedrooms. The layout of plans and functions seeks a dialogue with the city through the positioning of primarily public spaces toward the monumental Austerlitz Viaduct, with a gradient of spatial opening that culminates in a two-level uncovered space from which to enjoy views of the river. The façades of the public spaces exalt the transparency of volumes, while the rooms feature a double skin of wood and metal slats with an integrated system of brise-soleil.

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