
In the Norwegian language, the word “under” has the twofold meaning of “below” and “marvel”. The name selected for the project expresses the two concepts underlying the building: its partial location below the sea and the intention to involve visitors in an emotional experience. The restaurant is housed inside a 50 cm thick reinforced concrete shell. The result is a building with a massive appearance to anyone arriving from the exterior. The perception is that of an object set adrift, in a condition of apparent instability and imbalance. Situated at the end of the building, the main dining room expands the view into the underwater environment through an 11 metre wide and 3.4 metre high window. The perception of the sea at this point is totally antithetical with respect to the instability that connotes the view of the building immersed in its natural setting. The deep sea is immobile and reassuring, this time in harmony with the serenity that pervades the interiors.

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