
The primary challenge faced by MUDA-Architects during the design of the new Garden Hotpot Restaurant in Sansheng was the necessity to reconcile the intervention with the fascinating natural landscape around it. Roughly 290 metres in length, the new restaurant defines a natural pond, in turn surrounded by a forest of eucalyptus trees. The structure occupies all of the space between the water and the eucalyptus trees, taking on the forms determined by the lot. The form and construction of the restaurant are a direct reflection of the central objective of integrating the project within such a strong natural setting. This respect for the landscape translates into a low-impact structure. Each minimal detail, of design and construction, has been cared for: the architects provided local trades, lacking any specific skills, with indications regarding simple technologies and techniques, also to limit costs. They also coordinated each phase with the various trades. Steel – used for the thin columns and roof – proved to be the correct choice.

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